Become a MemberMembership Meetings
Membership Meetings are held every-other-month at Sunflower Outdoor & Bike Shop. They serve as a resource for members, informing them of what is happening in Downtown Lawrence, providing helpful small business information, and serving as a way to connect with fellow members. Featured speakers focus on important issues, developments, or education. Meetings are held the final Friday of the selected month and run from 8 – 9 am.

Monthly E-Newsletter
Members receive an informative e-newsletter that updates them on the latest developments with DLI and Downtown Lawrence. Subjects include relevant government policies, DLI programs, parade logistics, marketing opportunities, committee openings and activities, and more. If you are a member and are not receiving the email, contact

Gift Card Program
The Downtown Lawrence Gift Card program is exclusive to DLI member businesses. Thousand of gift cards are sold each year and redeemed at member businesses, bringing in revenues that often top $200,000. The gift card program is a “closed loop” system. If a business experiences disruption with the program due to a POS update or replacement, please contact DLI at to get you back online immediately.

Weekly Events Eblast
This e-blast highlights an assortment of events and special promotions and activities occurring in Downtown Lawrence. With a mailing list of thousands of recipients and an open rate that averages well over 40%, this is a powerful way to spotlight all that is happening in the district, and also for businesses to get themselves in front of the public. To have an event or special promotion featured, contact

Strong Social Media
DLI possesses an active and dynamic social media presence featuring a Facebook page with 39K followers and an Instagram account with 11K followers. DLI’s social media is continually spotlighting events, businesses, and activities in Downtown Lawrence by not only posting but also tagging and sharing. If a business wants to further take advantage of DLI’s social media, tag us, share with us or contact us about developing a post at

Marketing Opportunities
DLI promotes Downtown Lawrence and its businesses through traditional media buys in travel publications, local print media, radio, and television. Businesses can also take advantage of sponsorship opportunities for events or special promotions such as shopping totes. Contact
DLI continually acts as a resource and point of contact for the Downtown Lawrence community. This includes serving as a convener, a facilitator, and advocate on critical issues and items, and a creator of forums and platforms for decision making. DLI works to develop relationships with all partners in the downtown realm: businesses, residents, employees, government, non-profits, and visitors.
Annual Meeting
Held in the Spring, it is an opportunity for DLI to brief members on the state of the organization and Downtown Lawrence. The event includes a featured speaker who addresses members on a relevant topic, a hosted buffet breakfast, and a social time. This is an invitation only event.

Fall Mixer
Held in November, this party and celebration of the past year is a great time for members to connect and have fun. The evening includes an open bar, a drawing and fun activities, a hosted dinner, and a short welcome and address from DLI leadership.